Here are some suggestions to help support your child if they find it challenging to settle into a new environment, particularly if they find it hard to separate from family or familiar caregivers:
- If possible, start with shorter days; then gradually increase their time.
- Inform the team about what comforts your child and discuss how you manage activities or times of the day they find unsettling. For example, does your child have a toy or blanket that helps them to settle?
- Drop your child off with your trusted educator in the mornings or spend some time settling your child into a favourite activity before you leave.
- Show your child that you feel secure about leaving them at the service and that you trust the educator. Say ‘goodbye’ confidently and reassure them that you will be back later. While it may be tempting to leave while they are engaged happily in play, it can be very distressing for your child to realise you have left without saying goodbye.
- Please know that that you can contact us at any time to check how your child is settling in and the team will provide you with sensitive, honest feedback.